15-11-2022 | General | Venue: Annai Illam
With the divine blessings of Padmashri Arulthiru Amma , Sakthi Thirumathi Amma and the constant support and encouragement of our beloved MD sir ,the guidance of our Principal, a team of staffs, Pgs and interns from Deparment of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Public Health Dentistry and Conservative & Endodontics on 15/11/2022 conducted Screening, treatment, diet Counselling and Dental awareness camp for special children (Downs Syndrome, Rex Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mentally Retarded), Parents and staffs of ANNAI ILLAM, Melmaruvathur. Oral hygiene kit was distributed to all the childrens,parents and staffs.
We thank all staffs for the kind support and cooperation extended towards the camp program