06-01-2023 | General
With the Divine blessings of Padmasri Sakthi Arulthiru Amma avargal & Sakthi Thirumathi Amma avargal …with the constant guidance from our Respected Correspondant Sir…and encouragement by our beloved Principal sir, we successfully conducted the…” OOO symposium” on 6-01-2023 …..
Staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students of Adhiparasakthi dental college,.Postgraduate students and undergraduate students & staff from various other institutions attended and benefited from the scientific event ..The Topic being ..”An Insight on Malignant Salivary gland Neoplasms .The clinical .. Pathological & Surgical aspects .” Were elaborated ..by speakers from respective specialities …

A special guest lecture on Post operative histopathological reporting following ablative surgery for oral squamous cell carcinoma was delivered by Dr.Shirley..Dean Cancer Institute,HOD. oncopathology …Many students and staff benefited from the symposium & the symposium was completed with a valedictory function & certificate distribution for students’ scientific poster presentation. Heartfelt thanks to each and everyone for their gracious presence and contribution to help us in conducting a successful program ,
Thank you all 🙏 💐
Staff …
Dept of O.Pathology,
Dept.of O.Surgery
Dept.of O.Medicine