
About Us

Introduction About Our Institute

APDCH was started in 2005 as a Constituent of the Adhiparasakthi Charitable, Medical, Educational and Cultural Trust (ACMEC), which was established in 1978 by His Holiness Arulthiru. Padmashri Bangaru Adigalar. APDCH is located in the holy land of Melmaruvathur almost 100 kilometers south of Chennai along NH-45. Started with BDS program, with the intake of 100 seats was approved by Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Govt.of India, Dental Council of India and is affiliated to Tamilnadu Dr. M.G. R Medical University, Chennai. APDCH got its final BDS recognition in the year 2010.
Post-Graduation Courses were started in 2014-2015 in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Prosthodontics Crown and Bridge, Periodontics, Orthodontics and Dento facial Orthopedics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. All this PG programs got its final Recognition in 2018 with 2 units of 5 intake each year and 1 unit with 2 intake in Oral pathology and Microbiology. In 2021-2022 PG program in Pedodontics has been started with 1 unit with three seats and final recognition is awaited.

APDCH was established with a noble cause of providing affordable dental care to the downtrodden and weaker section of the society and also to provide education with social, cultural and spiritual values; the motto being “Your smile Our pride” and “Learn and Lead”. In this journey of 19 years,  APDCH catered the dental needs of more than a million people, Fourteen batches of BDS and Eight batches of MDS students have successfully graduated and are currently serving dental needs of the society.

APDCH received accreditations like ISO 9001:2015, NAAC with CGPA of 3.10 on four-point scale at ‘A’ Grade since 2015 and we are one among few dental institutions to have NABH (2020 – 2023) accreditation. This is the result of our commitment to maintain quality standards in imparting dental education and patient services. The institution entered in to NIRF with 39th ranking out of 40, among 184 colleges participated in the year 2024, reflects its commitment to academic excellence, clinical innovation and a holistic approach to dental education, research and community service.

APDCH went paperless in 2017 using the most advanced high end digital Hospital and College Information System (HIS and CIS). It has been indigenously developed for Students, Staff, Parents and with Community access.

APDCH Students are fortunate to get in campus training with exposure to patients of 1000 bedded multispecialty medical hospital of Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Science & Research, a member of ACMEC Trust.

We APDCians whole heartedly welcome you to experience the ambience, serenity of sowed land, good connectivity, pollution free environment, distraction free surroundings conducive for learning, excellent infra structure, accessible medical college, surplus patients, experienced teaching faculties and excellent library facilities. Upgradation with the latest equipment’s and technologies like CBCT, CAD CAM, Penta head microscope, Advanced Implant center with Minor OT, separate Entrepreneur cell to promote Startups and 3D printing undoubtedly makes APDCH a regional leader and global player in Dentistry. Now it is possible at APDCH to have comprehensive treatment at one spot ” DENT “X” PRESS”, provides solutions to all dental problems at one spot. AHA(Adhiparasakthi House of Aligner) provide state of the art clear aligner treatment, which is an Esthetic and Invisible Orthodontic treatment approach for correction of malocculsion as part of our services with the most cutting edge Technology available as on date.

Started in 2005

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To emerge as a world class institution in creating and imparting knowledge, Providing students a unique learning experience in dentistry with the state of the art technology along with value education, that will

  • Empower students for the betterment of their own future and
  • For the well being of the mankind.


  • To render the services to the poor and needy population.
  • To provide meaningful high education from undergraduate to post-doctoral programmes, research and training.
  • To impart higher technical skills, experiences and specialized academic excellence to the students thereby fostering innovation and generating new knowledge.
  • To create a rich and pleasant environment for studying, living and working where education and research go hand in hand flourishingly.
  • To serve the under-served, nurture learner centric quality dental education, quality patient oriented service, community centered research, excellence in knowledge, skills and strategic future oriented planning that meets the national, global dental educational standards.

Quality Policy & Objective

  • We at, Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital, Melmaruvathur, are Committed to provide value-based Dental Education to create a centre of excellence in clinical and academic systems by fulfilling the requirements of Dental Council of India and The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University norms.
  • We are committed to provide innovative and qualitative patient services which meets the needs & expectations of our interested parties in order to establish an internationally recognized institution.
  • We are also committed to continual improvement of our Quality Management System of faculty competency, infrastructure, academic and research facilities to create an environment to mould our students as leaders of Dentistry


Dr. T. Ramesh, M.D.,


Prof. Dr. S. Magesh Kumar, M.D.S.,


Organization Chart

APDCH strives to excel at its motto “Learn & Lead” by setting new high standards in academics and patient care. A leap into the venture is the well planned organizational structure that makes the best use of human resources with the right skills to accomplish the overall development of the students and uninterrupted quality patient care services. The work deployment strategy clearly outlines the duties, responsibilities and the scope of work of each department and committee that summates to the futuristic advancement of the institution.

Organizational Structure

The Functional organizational structure of APDCH encompasses 23 committees that execute plans and policies with utmost care and undivided focus to uphold the virtues of the institution at large.
Committees for teaching learning process
Institutional Board of Studies, Academic Cell & Examination Committee, Online Enhance committee, PG committee ensures the syllabus is followed as per recommendations of the statutory bodies and the Teaching Learning Process is at its best even amidst the tasking COVID situation.
Committees for student welfare
Anti-ragging Committee, Mentor Committee, Student welfare & Hostel committee, Gender Sensitization cell& sexual harassment, are the other student centric committees that strives to ensure a safe & protective learning atmosphere for the students.
Committees for research
Scientific academic forum, Institutional review board, Ethics & Research Committee & Library committee renders students with opportunities to stay update and pursue path of research.
Committee for social service
Facility Management & safety, NSS committee & YRC, CPR committee confers the basic skills at adversary moments and instills social responsibilities in students.
Other committees
MRD committee, Staff selection committee, Grievance redress committee, Infection control committee, Purchases & condemnation committee, Staff welfare committee, Alumni Committee, Internal Quality Assurance cell, Management Review Board ensures quality standards are maintained in academics & patient care.
Structure of committee
Staff, Students, Non-teaching staff are part of the committee wherever applicable. Each committee constitutes from different cadre a chairperson, member secretary and team members from various departments. The team ensures smooth functioning of work within their scope and meets periodically to review and revise action plan. Such a system ensures practice of leadership and team work and high output working strategy with due attention to every prospect in the functioning of the institution.
Our perseverance to excel and exalt has fetched us ISO certification and the honor of being the first dental college in south India to be accredited with NABH for quality patient care services. Recognition by Sri Lankan Medical Council is yet advancement in our commitment towards rendering quality dental education to aspiring Sri Lankan students.
Strategic plan

1. The institute takes effort to get the rank from NIRF. It is in the process of enrolling in National Institute of Ranking Framework (NIRF).

2. The institute is approaching the second cycle of NAAC after refining our working standards and meticulously upgrading in the field of dental education & research.

3. The institute is also in the process of PG seat expansion in the existing six specialties and also to start with MDS program in the department of Pedodontics.