
Green Campus


Green Campus

Green campus Our college has the sense of responsibility towards preserving environment. Our college and hostel campus is eco-friendly; we work towards protection and management of biodiversity to obtain resources for sustainable development; Water conservation and waste water recycling is done and monitored on a regular basis. The college has alternate sources like solar panels, LED lights for energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy for achieving our goal towards “Go-Green and Grow-Green”.

Alternate Sources Of Energy

Our college utilises alternate sources of energy and renewable power technologies including solar energy, LED Bulbs. Using a combination of renewable energy options has helped to generate renewable energy on-site using a system or device at the location where the power is used and reduce pollution.

Waste Management

Our college has an efficient waste management system to collect, segregate, dispose, reduce, reuse, and prevent waste. The different wastes like solid waste, liquid waste, biomedical waste, hazardous chemicals, e-waste are disposed in association with external agencies. Periodic training is provided to staff members and students in waste management and realise their role in reducing waste generation, thereby having a positive impact on the environment.

Water Conservation

Our college is committed towards water conservation by careful use and preservation of water supply. The quantity and quality of water utilized is periodically monitored as per safety regulations and standards. Our college has taken a lead in conserving water, recycling waste water and reusing water for agricultural purposes.
Waterbodies Surrounding The Campus

Policy Document

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Audit Report

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